Monday, March 31, 2008

Benefits of using software developers

A look at how software developers can help your company succeed.
The software industry has achieved such a degree of maturity that lines of codes are almost commoditised. Think of a problem, and there is a solution available for that very issue. You could take a low-cost option and look for online software directories such as
However, with that approach, you will often find that the solution is not ideal. And, for any business, almost there is just not good enough. There are times when you will need a piece of software written from scratch. At other times, you might simply want help to tweak an existing application to make it run with your latest business software.
Software developers can also help you reap the benefits of a new technology before your competitors have access to it. For example, a telemarketing company might seek help from a software developer to customize a VOIP solution to lower costs and gain customers ahead of its competitors. If the technology is fairly new, it may be harder for competitors to find a wide array of similar off-the-shelf solutions.
Software developers also give you the chance to own your own application code. This allows maximum control over the software that you use to run your business. This can lead to other business opportunities, too. Many businesses have been known to create lucrative businesses by selling products they initially had developed for internal use.
A successful application implementation requires both technological as well as domain expertise. If you can identify a software developer who has domain knowledge in your industry, you can often procure solutions that address your problems in a cheaper and more user-friendly manner than by purchasing off-the-shelf products. Businesses often find it difficult to identify their technological needs. A software developer with domain knowledge will not only help you identify your needs, but also fulfill them in the most cost-efficient and effective way.
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