Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Common Myths of Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop, the top choice for the use of digital dark room, and can be complex to use the program. Many of the options and possibilities, some of them completely unexplained, and make Adobe Photoshop once mysterious and sedition, and certainly difficult to use. Adobe Photoshop has a lot of buzz on the Internet, and there are many legends associated with the program. Getting to the bottom of this mythology Adobe Photoshop.

photoshop tips and lessons of Adobe Photoshop, photoshops and many myths on the Internet, many of whom are not useful at all. Some of the lessons of Adobe Photoshop only to make use of Adobe Photoshop more impossible. How to separate Adobe Photoshop myths, tips and tutorials to develop a great picture of what is Adobe Photoshop really? First, you should begin shaming most common and popular myths Adobe Photoshop.

one Adobe Photoshop is a popular myth that you can not get on the quality of printing JPEG image of the final product unless the resolution is an image of multiple printer resolution. This is not true. Another popular and often described as the myth is that the character of resolution 300 PPI is superior to the resolution 240 of the PPI. While this belief is true, it really nonissue Adobe Photoshop dumping lessons in confusion among users. Some lessons even claim that every picture should receive treatment 16-bit - which is a waste of time unnecessary.

of all Adobe Photoshop tips available on these educational programs, and one carries more importance than others. When working with Adobe Photoshop, it is necessary to use masks and layers. You can not use Adobe Photoshop to the maximum benefit without having to amend the layers and masks that will give your images to perfection, polished look. Not mentioned often in Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Photoshop lessons tips on the list is that it must be determined only one problem at a time, rather than trying to take care of several at one time. By working on this problem at each step by step basis, get far better results from Adobe Photoshop - and your photos will guide the effort.

while Adobe Photoshop and there are some lessons that will only confuse you and make use of Adobe Photoshop seem like an impossible goal, and there are many useful lessons and tips Adobe Photoshop on the Internet for those who want to learn more. He has written several books written by discussing the uses of Adobe Photoshop more in-depth for those that need to be explained is more than Adobe Photoshop tips average digital photographer.

adobe Adobe Photoshop is, in fact, the programme could be used by anyone who wants to make the images or upload digital images look more professional, or add borders and stylistic changes to their images - not just those who understand the complex computer language and know how Wade chaos available through Adobe Photoshop tips and lessons. Slow start and do some experimenting and playing around with your photos. The more you use Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Photoshop you more comfortable. Soon, you& 39;ll be able to do anything to your photos - and perhaps you write what you want Adobe Photoshop tutorial of the Web. On the experience of playing with Adobe Photoshop may conflict with Adobe Photoshop myths can tell you that taught first and take Adobe Photoshop tutorial before the first use of the programme, but much more fun to learn for yourself and tend to be more useful at the end. Whenever know yourself, more information on Adobe Photoshop will retain you. With tutorial is not the same Adobe Photoshop will retain you. With tutorial is not the same as you know yourself, and therefore it is always best to experiment with Adobe Photoshop yourself no matter how many courses Adobe Photoshop read. Although Adobe Photoshop mythology, you will learn a lot better for yourself and what techniques and tricks to use when working with Adobe Photoshop.

whether you work in color or black and white, do not be afraid to use the different layers, tools and masks to correct one problem or make decorations and one at a time. The good thing is that Adobe Photoshop image possibilities is almost endless, and there is almost no limit to what you can do. Whether you are a digital camera, amateur or professional, or just want to make some pictures look better for your website, there is a myth, Adobe Photoshop and this is true: Anyone can benefit from using Adobe Photoshop, and every picture can always stand a little improvement.

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Friday, April 11, 2008

CCNA Certification Exam Training: Passwords, Cisco Routers, And Network Security

CCNA certification is important, and so is securing our network s Cisco routers! To reflect the importance of network security, your CCNA certification exam is likely going to contain a few questions about the various passwords you can set on a Cisco router. Let s take a look at some of those passwords and when to apply them.

If the previous user has logged out of the router properly, you will see a prompt like this when you sit down at the router console:

R1 con0 is now available

Press RETURN to get started.


To get into enable mode, by default all I have to do is type "enable".



See how the prompt changed? By default, I can now run all the show and debug commands I want, not to mention entering global configuration mode and doing pretty much what I want. It just might be a good idea to password protect this mode! We do so with either the enable password command or the enable secret command. Let s use the enable password command first.

R1(config) enable password dolphins

Now when I log out and then go back to enable mode - or try to - I should be prompted for the password "dolphins". Let s see what happens.




I was indeed prompted for a password. Cisco routers will not show asterisks or any other character when you enter a password; in fact, the cursor doesn t even move.

The problem with the enable password command is that the password will show in the configuration in clear text, making it easy for someone to look over your shoulder and note the password for future use, as shown below:

hostname R1


enable password dolphins

We could use the "service password-encryption" command to encrypt the enable password, but that will also encrypt all the other passwords in the Cisco router config. That s not necessarily a bad thing! Here s the effect of this command on the enable password we set earlier.

enable password 7 110D1609071A020217

Pretty effective encryption! However, if we want to have the enable password automatically encrypted, we can use the enable secret command. I ll use that command here to set this password to "saints", and note that I m not removing the previous enable password.

R1(config) enable secret saints

After removing the "service password-encryption" command, we re left with two enable mode passwords, and they appear in the Cisco router config like this:

enable password dolphins

enable secret 5 $1$kJB6$fPuVebg7uMnoj5KV4GUKI/

If we have two enable passwords, which one should we use to log into the router? Let s try the first password, "dolphins", first:




When you re prompted for the password a second time, you know you got it wrong the first time! Let s try "saints":





When both the enable secret and enable password commands are in use on a Cisco router, the enable secret password always takes precedence. "dolphins" didn t get us in, but "saints" did. That s valuable information for both the CCNA certification exam and real-world networks, because there s no worse feeling than typing a password at a Cisco router prompt and then getting another password prompt!

This is just one way to perform basic Cisco router security with passwords. We ll take a look at other methods in a future CCNA certification exam training tutorial!

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What is Critical Power?

Critical power is any form of power that if it were not available would have disastrous consequences.
What type of places would require continuous uninterruptible critical power supplies? Hospitals, Surgeries, Military Field operations, Banks, Airports, Space Bases, Communications networks, distribution centres, food manufacturing plants.
Surprisingly there are thousands of environments that require their to be always available 24-7 without any disruption, come hell or high water.
The only true way to protect critical power is with the installation of uninterruptible power supplies , known as UPS Systems which in turn are supported by Diesel Generators.
This system would then need to be made totally invincible to any power outage, however improbable or likely.
To achieve this, the UPS system and generator system would need to be replicated more than once in the event of mechanical failure. The term used is N+1 this equates to a double system. N+2 will be 200% cover and N+3 would be Triple cover.
Most Hospitals would protect their critical power with an N+3 power protection system.
An in depth understanding of how to protect critical power can be reviewed in the section on this website entitled, How does a disaster prevention system work?
How safe is the critical power at your office or business?
Most businesses today couldn t operate without their servers, so the perception that only hospitals require critical power is rapidly changing. Many now require total Disaster Prevention.
Any business should take the time to have any energy audit. Classify what is Critical, what is necessary and what you can do without. Then prioritise. Takes steps to protect your critical power before its gone.
The assumption that all power is critical power, so power downs will never occur is naive.
If you need critical power then protect it.
Read the article on Disaster Prevention to understand when to do.
PowerContinuity Means Business Continuity
For further information regarding Critical Power please visit our website.

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5 Tips for Buying a Laptop

5 Tips for Buying a Laptop
Buying a laptop is a major investment decision. As such it is not one that you should make lightly. Below are 5 tips that will help prepare you for making the best and most well informed decision when buying a laptop.
Tip 1 Size Matters
Buying a laptop is a matter that requires some thought. Consider the size and weight of the laptop. How often will you be carrying your laptop? Your answer will help determine which size and weight will best suit your needs. If you will be carrying your laptop frequently, a lighter model will be preferable.
The keyboard is another area to consider when buying a laptop. Why is the size of the keyboard important? A larger laptop will have a slightly larger keyboard area. But keep in mind that if you worry about your fingers or wrists taking on too much stress from typing on a keyboard that is too small, you may want this to be a main factor in your purchasing decision,
Tip 2 Choose Your Mouse
A laptop it will come with a built in touch pad, an alternative to the mouse, whereby the pad is controlled by the user s finger movement. For some people, this type of pad is uncomfortable and not easy to work with. Before purchasing a laptop, determine what mouse options are available. Test each one and determine which one best meets your needs.
Tip 3: Wireless Options
Today, when many people think laptop, they think wireless . No doubt people want to make sure that their laptop computer will be able to access the Internet with a wireless connection. Many try to account for this by ensuring that their laptop has potential upgrade options, such as room for an expandable PC card or a USB port. However, since so many laptop users are looking for wireless connections, many of today s laptops come pre-wired for wireless Internet. All you need to do is activate your wireless Internet service, and your laptop will take it from there. So depending on your needs, choose your laptop whether it is capable of expanding or if it is already configured for wireless Internet.
Tip 4 Check for Ports
Peripheral equipment will be connected to your laptop through USB ports. You will make your life much less complicated by ensuring that your laptop has adequate ports. Connecting equipment such as printers, scanners, and digital cameras will be much simpler if you have the ports readily available. If you are not sure, thoroughly read the specs for any laptop that you are considering purchasing.
Tip 5 Check Your Budget First
Finally, when buying a laptop, beware that you do not overspend. First create your budget and stick to it. When you think that you have found the laptop that you want, do not rush into it. Wait a day and check over your budget, requirements, and see if you are still as excited about the laptop in the morning, as you were when the sales clerk was showing off its specs. If you still feel that it is the laptop that you want to purchase, then go for it.
Rob Buenaventura invites you to Laptops n Notebooks 4 U , an information site focused on your laptop and notebooks needs. Find out why more and more people are replacing their desktop with a laptop or notebook computer! Before buying a laptop computer, consult to help you find the best laptop for you.

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